Administrator: Set up replication, failover, monitoring, backups, etc. on bare metal, cloud, and Kubernetes using CloudFormation, Terraform, Helm, Chef, Ansible, Bash, Prometheus. Author of Postgres Munin plugins.
Consultant: hired to scale up to 8TB, optimize queries, redesign tables.
Researcher: Published the only SQL implementations for temporal outer join, semijoin, antijoin, union, intersect, except, as well as the only temporal databases benchmark.
Frequently a daily developer since 2001.
Experience with Django, Flask, SQLAlchemy, numpy, pandas, spaCy.
Ruby & Rails
Near-daily developer since 2010.
Published gems: active_model_serializers_pg, topiary, db_leftovers, cron2english, others.
Contributed to Rails core, devise, geocoder, jsonapi-resources, rein, fx, pg_audit_log, many other gems.
Other languages
Javascript: 1998–present, including React, Angular, Vue, Node, Typescript, but recently I’m more focused on backend.
C: 1993–present, on Linux, Solaris, Tru64, macOS, and Windows, sometimes for pay, mostly for Postgres these days.
Java: 1997–present, daily for many years, now occasional. Spring, Android, Atlassian plugins, J2EE.
Also used for real projects, maybe not that long ago: Go, Rust, C#, Objective C, Lua, R, Elixir, Perl, LATEX, XSLT.